Steam locomotives 
Diesel locomotives 
and railcars 
Saloon coaches 
Passenger coaches 
and mail coaches 
Freight waggons 
Speacial vehicles 
Sleeping cars 
marking condition owner
434.2218 not working KHKD
year of manufacture serial number manufacturer
1913 3921 St.E.G.
weight of empty length total base
78,5 t 17 430 mm 13 694 mm
characteristic max speed output
1‘ D p2 60 km/h 1 030 kW
water store coal store tender
16 m3 8,5 m3 516.071
   By reconstruction of original Austrian locomotives of a class 170, which was made by First Czech-Moravian Faktory (První českomoravská továrna) for machines in Prague in 1924 – 1925, there were created first nine locomotives of a new class 434.2. From double-cylinder combination locomotives with wet steam became locomotives with a duplex steam engine with superheated steam. Their consumption was reduced and capacity boosted. Other locomotives were reconstructed from 1930 in works of ČSD Louny, Plzeň and Nymburk. The reconstruction was done at altogether 345 locomotives and it was finished in 1947.Some locomotives got flat eyector Giesle in the sixtieth's.
    The locomotive 434.2218 ended its service in Česká Lípa depot in 1979, and it was forwarded to Děčín depot in 1980. There the locomotive got original Děčín's number 434.2278, probably because of the celebrations in Děčín in 1981, where it was exposed as a not working one. The original locomotive 434.2278 ended its service also in 1979 and it was sold to metal scrap works (Kovošrot) evidently as a 434.2218. This non-operating and not fully complete locomotive was forwarded to Meziměstí in Semptember 1991, where some enthusiasts wanted it put back to service from depot.The locomotive was in ČSD records as a heating boiler K 828 from December 1991. The boiler was never repaired, so the locomotive was not put back to service.
    This partly unjointed locomotive was sold to a physical person in 1993.It changed many depots in following years - among the last ones there was railway siding MUS in Most. In April 2005 the locomotive became a part of KHKD's property by exchange of a steam locomotive 433.014. The repairing of the locomotive into exhibited condition, done by KHKD and SBD members, was finished in 2016. The locomotive is loaned out to the Railway museum in Lužná u Rakovníka, where it serves as a not working exhibit.